Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Wot no August?

August, it seems, is a bad month for boat-building.

It is, on the other hand, a fantastic time for the Fastnet yacht race to be postponed due to bad weather while some idiot is clinging to the very edge of the north Cornish coast in a battered, sodden tent with a wife and two kids.

August is a time for wives to decide to take a sudden interest in catching up with their previously neglected Childcare coursework, thus necessitating that husbands waste their valuable time reading said course materials, cautiously offer constructive criticism of proposed essays and immediately cop an earful of trouble over the level and tone of the criticism; too critical.

In August four year old daughters have birthdays requiring massively extravagant celebrations and ludicrous expenditure on gifts in various shades of pink.

It is a time for getting horribly used by local schoolwear outlets (staffed, I'm sure, by the living dead) buying a mass of over-priced, poor quality (but apparently absolutely essential) uniform items that will be worn once before some little toe-rag chips-off with them in his/her bag; no amount of name tags seem to nudge the offender into returning anything. Ever.

August is the month when one's friends disappear to the Dordogne to enjoy balmy days of glorious sunshine, beautiful countryside, fine cuisine, full-bodied wine, thrusting conversation and excellent company. Truffle-scoffing gits.

It's not a month for boat-building though. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

so there goes august... but what about september? will it be full of sunshine, sponge fingers and new knots?

yatje said...

yes, just what about September? i do hope your next post isn't going to be: Wot no September?