I want to talk briefly about the most useful tool I've found in trying to work on this project - the Trucker's hitch.
Also known as a Driver's hitch, Waggoner's hitch, Transport hitch or Lorry hitch, this little beauty forms a primitive pulley and offers a good 2:1 purchase (other people have claimed 3:1 but I don't see it myself). Click here and learn how to tie it - you'll never use bungee cord again (while your at it why not pick up a round-turn-and-two-half-hitches, bowline, figure-of-eight-stopper-knot and sheet-bend).
When you've got this one down you'll find it really useful in gaining the fine control and mechanical advantage necessary to position the panels exactly where you want them. You can also have fun asking any truckers you might know how to tie their classic knot - chances are they won't know - it's all ratchet straps these days - not like in my day - kids these days don't know they're born - I remember when all this was fields - rationing was hard but we were healthier - I used to have a lovely shrapnel collection - bring back the "birch" - bring back National Service - bring back Thatcher etc etc etc.
Also known as a Driver's hitch, Waggoner's hitch, Transport hitch or Lorry hitch, this little beauty forms a primitive pulley and offers a good 2:1 purchase (other people have claimed 3:1 but I don't see it myself). Click here and learn how to tie it - you'll never use bungee cord again (while your at it why not pick up a round-turn-and-two-half-hitches, bowline, figure-of-eight-stopper-knot and sheet-bend).
When you've got this one down you'll find it really useful in gaining the fine control and mechanical advantage necessary to position the panels exactly where you want them. You can also have fun asking any truckers you might know how to tie their classic knot - chances are they won't know - it's all ratchet straps these days - not like in my day - kids these days don't know they're born - I remember when all this was fields - rationing was hard but we were healthier - I used to have a lovely shrapnel collection - bring back the "birch" - bring back National Service - bring back Thatcher etc etc etc.
Come on, you pseudo-grumpy-old-man, is it finished yet?
Are we theeeere yet? I'm bored keep seeing that photo now ..
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