Monday 16 July 2007


I'm sorry for disappearing under the radar for a while but, as the above title suggests, a fair degree of dismay and anxiety has been experienced recently, resulting in a decision to "cut away and start again". So I cut away and I started again. And then after a couple of days intermittent stabs at stitching, I finished (for the time being at least). It has to be said that my second attempt at doing-the-job-properly-the-first-time was a reasonable success; the dinghy has a bottom.

I wouldn't want to give anybody the impression that the stitching process is a particularly challenging task. It isn't. However, there is increasing evidence to suggest that my hands are, in fact, a loose confederation of left thumbs.

Other people, people with the enviable gifts of manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination, have completed the stitching in two and a half hours!

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